When I’m feeling lonely

Today me and my classroom were listening to a book called “When I am Feeling Lonely”. It was about a little bunny that was feeling lonely. When he needed some help everyone was acting like they were busy but the bunny will talk to his invisible friend. Then they became best friends.
They will talk and talk and talk. When they’re finish talking his invisible friend will disappear then they.

They will walk together and play together.
They also play games together. Also they go to the park they will be best buddy’s.

And play  infinity tag. And play  hide and seek  also they will play sports games. They had. So much fun together. They will eat together and also they will do there work together.

The small man

The use of Adjectives

A small man built a stretching ladder to all the way to the moon and there is some

longlong grass around him so he climbed the ladder to the moon

it was so long that he got tired so he went down and he looked at the moon he looked at it

it was too far away from earth so he went back home.

My Brain

Task Description.

Today we learned about our brain. Our brain help us learn and read. 

It help us be smart and helps us run and help others.

And it helps us dream and sleep.it can do so many things.

It’s helps us play sports and do other things like play games with friends. 

And play football with people. go to the swimming pool.

And do fun things.



The dinosaur chase

Task description the big dinosaur Was waiting for little dinosaur to come out.

a lizard came and sat on the sun and then big dinosaur saw a noise coming out from the little cave. And he saw a tail and little dinosaur came out of the cave.
then big dinosaur came down to get little dinosaur and then little dinosaur.

race big dinosaur they came to a wet mud.