
Task description.

Today I learnt about Gases and we did some writing and it was fun.

We learnt about full stops.

reading and listening to the teacher.



Task description

Once upon a time there was a maid that had to do all the work but
her stepsisters bulled her. There was a party coming so the stepsisters told the maid to make them a dress for the party.



The weekend.

Task description.

I wrote about my weekend.

The weekend I stayed With my mom And I stayed home and I had Dinner

with my dad and mom and my sister it was really good and we went to sleep

for school.


Task description.


I Have been Learning about full stop and Capital letters.

Today I woke up at 7.0.0  first l got my toothbrush brushed my teeth. Next

I walked to school with my friend when I got to school I walked to my class I

was happy to see my teacher.


Task Description.

Last week room 13 were at the water slide and I was watching them hav fun

and I was playing with the boys that didn’t bring their togs I had fun with the boys .